HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML uses special markers, called tags, that indicate how Web browsers should display page. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML uses special markers, called tags, that indicate how Web browsers should display page.
  A database can contain more than one table, each with a unique name. These tables can be related or independent from one another.

A subset of data extracted from one or more tables is called a recordset (or a DataSet in ASP.NET). A recordset is also a table because it’s a collection of records that share the same columns. For example, a hockey team roster listing the names and positions of the players could be called a recordset: it consists of a subset of all the possible information about the players, including goals, assists, penalty minutes, and so on. A recordset is also a table because it’s a collection of records that share the same columns.

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Empire network has lauch it's next network, Webmaster empire propviding extensive resource for webmaster. empire network next project is Fonts empire.

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