
Bacis Input

Use .an-form-control with input to get nice styled input.

Use .primary .info .warning .danger with input for contextual color input with.


Use .an-custom-checkbox wrapper to an input to get custom styled checkbox. Use .primary .success .info .warning .danger with .an-custom-checkbox to get contextual color checkbox.

Use .blocked class with .an-custom-checkbox to get block checkbox with label text.

Select box

Use .an-form-control with select box

Use multiple as attribute of select box to get multiple select option

Input groups

Use a wrapper div .an-input-group for grouped input with icon.

Use .right with .an-input-group to position the grouped icon.

Use .primary .info .warning .danger with input for contextual color input with.

Radio box

Use .an-custom-radiobox wrapper to an input to get custom styled checkbox. Use .primary .success .info .warning .danger with .an-custom-checkbox to get contextual color checkbox.

Use .blocked class with .an-custom-checkbox to get block checkbox with label text.


Use .an-form-control with textarea, use .primary .success .info .warning, .danger to get contextual colored textarea.