
Single button dropdowns

Any single .btn can be turned into a dropdown toggle with some markup changes. Here’s how you can put them to work with either <button> elements:

Dropdown Menu Item Color

Example of dropdown menu item color

Dropdown Menu Success link example
Dropdown Menu link Color example

Dropdown menu Primary link

Dropdown menu Secondary link

Dropdown menu Success link

Dropdown menu Warning link

Dropdown menu Danger link

Dark Dropdowns

Option into darker dropdowns to match a dark navbar or custom style by adding .dropdown-menu-dark onto an existing .dropdown-menu. No changes are required to the dropdown items.

Menu Content

Example of dropdown menu Headers, Text, Forms content

Menu Alignment

Add .dropdown-menu-end to a .dropdown-menu to right align the dropdown menu.

Auto Close Behavior

Trigger dropdown menus at the down of the elements by adding .dropdown to the parent element.

Dropup Variation

Trigger dropdown menus above elements by adding .dropup to the parent element.

Dropstart Variation

Trigger dropdown menus at the right of the elements by adding .dropstart to the parent element.

Dropend Variation

Trigger dropdown menus at the right of the elements by adding .dropend to the parent element.

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