29 July 2003
Your News Title
When a box is selected, it is usually displayed with a
check mark or X. Check boxes are usually grouped to represent.
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29 July 2003
Your News Title
When a box is selected, it is usually displayed with a
check mark or X. Check boxes are usually grouped to represent.
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Welcome to resume web site
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) files use a maximum of 256 colors,
and are best.
Such as navigation bars, buttons, icons, logos, or other images with
uniform colors and tones. |
Introduction to our web site
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format is the superior
format for photographic or continuous-tone images, because JPEG files
can contain millions of colors. As the quality of a JPEG file increases.
Our web site history
PNG (Portable Network Group) file format is a patent-free replacement
for GIFs that includes support for indexed-color, grayscale, and
true-color images, and alpha channel support for transparency.
PNG is the native file format of Macromedia Fireworks MX. PNG files
retain all the original layer, vector, color, and effects information
(such as drop shadows), and all elements are fully editable at all