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Today: Tue, Aug 12, 2003
13 of january, 2003

new trend in art. This kind of art appeared to the development of computer technologies and the Internet. Today, the professional Web-designers create the
15 of january, 2003

new trend in art. This kind of art appeared to the development of computer.
17 of january, 2003

new trend in art. This kind of art appeared to the development of computer technologies and the Internet. Today, the professional Web-designers create the
19 of january, 2003

new trend in art. This kind of art appeared to the development of computer technologies and the Internet. Today, the professional Web-designers create the. This kind of art appeared to the development of computer technologies and the Internet. Today, the professional Web-designers create the
Today this section only starts to shape into a form, since the time of the beginning of the studio creation dates back to a spring of 2001. However, it does not mean at all that there are inexperienced developers in our team. On the contrary, the creation of this studio was the result of a long time work on an integration of the best experts - who worked separately in the past - i nto one team concentrated on the development of Web-projects of various levels of complexity.

Project description:
Professional looking redesign of site
with interactive elements.
PHP4 Programming
MySQL Database
Customer's feedback
"Quality, professional work. Met all
requirements. Easy to work with."

- Antony Hobb,
Currently, the Web-design is a completely new trend in art. This kind of art appeared due to the development of computer technologies and the Internet. Today, the professional eb-designers create the basic image of companies of a new generation, the companies which have seen in the Internet unprecedented possibilities for the development of their business. The magnificent interior of an office, prestigiously looking staff and manifestations of an image. The beautifully made ad booklets and catalogs, advertisements on the radio and television partly expand the area of influence of a company, however, further expansion of this area usually causes big financial expenses and problems related to the timely updating of the

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