Welcome to your
web site |
theme and template package is designed
to fit a wide variety of businesses.
We've included the following: |
A High-quality design
14 page web
A page template
Flash Animation
(Splash page)
Lots of tips
and help
Layout displays
correctly in both Netscape 7.0 and Internet
Explorer.5.0 |
How to
edit main-item flash animation
Change the background image |
There are 4 images(item1.jpg, item2.jpg.
item3.jpg.item4.jpg) in root
folder. These images are used in main-item.swf |
background image of 01 area is item1.jpg.
background image of 02 area is item2.jpg.
background image of 03 area is item3.jpg.
background image of 04 area is item4.jpg. |
How to edit main-item flash text?
Click here!
The size of each image is 190 X 250.
Please, Don't change the size and its
Now you can change flash animation images
whenever you want without
editing the swi source file. |
Hot Tipp |
Copy these Hot Topic Tables and use them to set off
important announcements or news. Click in the title
area and go to Table > Select > Table, then go to Edit
> Copy. Edit > Paste to place a new info box within
your page.
Today's news |
You can easily modify this page by selecting the text
and replacing it with your own content.
Our Package |