Inside the images folder you will find blank images for the buttons,
logo, slogan areas and any other area that has a generic saying.
They will look something like blank_02.gif
Open these images is you favorite image editor like Photoshop,
Paintshop, Image Composer to name a few and just add your
text. Once that is done save the images as the same name in the
images folder. |
consequismodipit exero
eugait ate dunt lan hent praese tatis nullan henit landit autpat
dolore dolore magna commolor si ese commy nulla commoloreet alit
alis dolut euis alit la consequisim
Lore consequismodipit exero eugait ate dunt lan hent praese
tatis nullan henit landit autpat dolore dolore magna commolor si
ese commy nulla commoloreet alit alis dolut euis alit la
consequisim |