Add and remove items in any order without touching your mouse. Use your left/right arrow keys to move the caret (ibeam) between items. This example is instantiated from a <input type="text"> element (note that the value is represented as a string).
Email Contacts
This demonstrates two main things: (1) custom item and option rendering, and (2) item creation on-the-fly. Try typing a valid and invalid email address.
Single Item Select
The most vanilla of examples.
Option Groups
Selectize supports <optgroup> rendering (as of v0.5.0).
Max Items
This example only allows 3 items. Select one more item and the control will be disabled until one or more are deleted.
Country Selector
A good example of (1) support for international characters (diacritics) and (2) how items are scored and sorted. Try typing "islands", for instance.
Remote Source — Github
This demo shows how to integrate third-party data from the GitHub API.
Remote Source — Rotten Tomatoes
This demo shows how to integrate third-party data from the Rotten Tomatoes API. Try searching for "Iron Man". Note: if this doesn't work, it's because the API limit has been reached... try again later :)
City / State Selection
A demonstration showing how to use the API to cascade controls for a classic state / city selector. Note: The API for fetching cities is a little spotty, so if it fails to list cities, that's what's going on (try another state).

适用浏览器:FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗. 不支持IE8、360、世界之窗。
