Animated Tabs

1-CSS3 is, like HTML5, a new standard for web designers. It promises many new formatting controls to make web pages look beautiful, including drop shadows for text, rounded corners on boxes, background gradients,borders made of graphics, and even animated transitions from one set of CSS properties to another. Dreamweaver CS6 includes code-hinting for CSS3 and adds many CSS3 properties to the CSS Styles panel. Dreamweaver CS6 also adds helpful tools for some of CSS3’s most exciting offerings: the new web fonts manager frees you from the boredom of the same limited set of fonts (Arial, Helvetica, and Times New Roman, for example) that web designers have been using for years.

HTML used to be the only language you needed to create web pages. You could build them with colorful text and graphics, and make words jump out using different fonts, font sizes, and font colors. But today, you can’t add much visual stimulation to a site without CSS. CSS is a formatting language that lets you design pages with sophisticated layouts and enhanced text.

适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗. 不支持IE8、世界之窗。
