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 ▶ Hot Tip
You can easily modify this page by selecting the text and replacing it with your own content.
 ▶ Add Your Text
Copy these Hot Topic Tables and use them to set off important announcements or news Click in the title area and go to Table > Select > Table, then go to Edit > Copy. Edit > Paste to place a new info box within your page

Edit Menu Link

1. Double click a link.js on the left side of Folder list.
2. Edit *.htm link and save it.

case 1:window.location="aboutus.htm" ;
case 2:window.location="product.htm" ;
case 3:window.location="services.htm" ;
case 4:window.location="readme.htm" ;break;

case 1:window.location="yours_1.htm" ;
case 2:window.location="yours_2.htm" ;
case 3:window.location="yours_3.htm" ;
case 4:window.location="yours_4.htm" ;

Notice: Do not erase ;break; It may cause error.

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Get more colorful, kaleidoscopic themes every week!.

support@themegallery.com for additional information or help.

Paypal payment system
Here, the PayPal payment buttons (buy now, and view cart) are example code only. You
would edit HTML scripts, and replace your PayPal information to use PayPal payment system
properly. More information regarding to use it, please click here

if you want to change the text in flash movie.use input.txt

if you want to change the text in flash movie.
The texts in the flash movie is optimized in english language.
if you want to show the text by other language, modify the source at flashsource folder directly.

[Image information in product]
INDEX-image Foxx[www.imagestate.com]
- CD: Business Now[P-XGO-GS55] / Computer& Communtication[P-XGO-GS50] 

Sub Pages -ImageState[www.imagestate.com] / PHOTODISC [www.gettyimages.com]
- CD: Wire Business[P-PD-VS55] / Modern Technologies 2[P-PD-VS85]

Note to customers: This image has been licensed to be used within this PowerPoint template only.
You may not extract the image for any other use.
Copyright [Year] [Your Company Name LTD]. All rights reserved