How do the creditors actually get paid?

When a client decides that this is the best program for them, we set up a special "debt settlement account" at a federally insured bank, which is in the client's name. The sole purpose of this account is to house the money the client pays toward settling debt on a monthly basis. Once enough money is accumulated, we will use it to negotiate with the creditors one at a time. All payments to the creditors will be made from this account.

Will the creditors start calling and harassing me?

Yes. As someone goes delinquent with their accounts, especially in the beginning, they will get creditor calls. However, we have developed steps that our clients can use that are effective in reducing and often eliminating phone calls from creditors

What happens to my credit?

If you are already behind on payments, or you might be shortly, your credit is already impaired - you have too much debt compared to your income. This is known as a high debt-to-income ratio. To be considered credit-worthy again, you must drastically reduce or eliminate your debt, thereby reducing your debt-to-income ratio.

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