Serving quality foods that will make you remember coming back to us

  • Rhys Badcock


    Serving as a kitchen cook for the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, Jang Geum aspired to attain the secrets of Korean cooking and traditional medicine

  • Sarah Knights


    Serving as a kitchen cook for the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, Jang Geum aspired to attain the secrets of Korean cooking and traditional medicine

  • Rhett Willis


    Serving as a kitchen cook for the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, Jang Geum aspired to attain the secrets of Korean cooking and traditional medicine

  • Sarah Knights


    Serving as a kitchen cook for the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, Jang Geum aspired to attain the secrets of Korean cooking and traditional medicine

  • Rhett Willis


    Serving as a kitchen cook for the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, Jang Geum aspired to attain the secrets of Korean cooking and traditional medicine

  • Rhys Badcock


    Serving as a kitchen cook for the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, Jang Geum aspired to attain the secrets of Korean cooking and traditional medicine


Opening Hours

11:45AM - 3PM to 6PM - 11PM

Redbowl Hotline

123456789, 05-8837681