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Make a new web using the web template:

Go to File > New > Web (FP2000) or File > New > Page or Web (FP 2002). In FP2002, choose "New from Web Templates" in the right column.

Choose the web template you wish to use. Specify the location you wish to publish to.

Sit back and let FrontPage create your new web!

Now, you may add or delete pages from your new web. See below.

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Theme Gallery: high quality themes
Top-notch web designers, both domestic and abroad are registered as Theme Gallery's artists to help you find the exact design you are looking for.

More products added continually!
Get more colorful, kaleidoscopic themes every week!

E-mail support@themegallery.com for additional information or help.

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In your new web, you may...

Rename pages
Go to Navigation View. Right-click on a page and select Rename to change the page title. You may also rename the file name by right-clicking the page in your Folder List or Folder View.

In your Folder List, right-click on the page and select Delete.

Add a new page
by copying an existing page
If you have inserted a logo, your company name, or made other formatting pages that you'd like to preserve, simply File > Save As your page under a different name:

Open your existing page that you wish to copy.
2. Go to File > Save As.
3. Type in your new file name. Click the "Change..." button to change the Page Title.
4. Click OK.

Go to Navigation View. (View > Navigation)
Open your Folder List if it is not already opened. (View > Folder List)
Select your new page from the Folder List and drag the page into your navigation structure.
8. Double click the page to go back to Page View.

Add a new page using the FrontPage Page Template

Go to File > New > Page (FP 2000) or File > New > Page or Web (FP 2002). In 2002, click on "New from Page Template" in the right column.
2. Browse to the page template you wish to use and click OK.
3. Go to File > Save to save your new page. Type in your new file name. Click the "Change..." button to change the Page Title. Click OK.
You will be asked to save a list of embedded files (the images). Make sure that they are saving into the "images" folder. If not, make sure all the images are selected and click "Change Folder" to browse to the images folder. Click OK.
Your page will not yet have navigation buttons. You will need to drag your page into the navigation structure. First,
go to Navigation View. (View > Navigation)
Open your Folder List if it is not already opened. (View > Folder List)
Select your new page from the Folder List and drag the page into your navigation structure.
8. Double click the page to go back to Page View.


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