If you wish to hyperlink some other word, phrase, or graphic, select what you want to link and type Control-K to bring up the hyperlink dialog box. Then either click on the "Email" button, or type in "mailto:email@..." into the URL box. To make a regular hyperlink, type in the URL or browse to the location you wish to link to.
Did you know that if you type out the email address, FrontPage will usually automatically turn it into a hyperlink?
Right-click this form and select Form Properties to configure the form to email to your address. You will need FP Server Extensions installed on your server for the form to work.

Contact info here!

Your Business Name
City, State and Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email Addresses

Create a form so your customers can get more information.

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E-mail :
Address :
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Comments :







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